
Saturday, December 08, 2012

Adventure with my friends

A celebration of my birthday and Eloh's birthday was held on this day,night I should say. Adventure was the resort we landed. We gathered almost late in the evening, some came from work, while we came from a basketball game - Women's Edition, wherein I did so many exhibitions. Awesome job for me right?! Hahaha

My friends are sweet and cool :)

This was your chance to meet and greet, and have a long time bonding my super friends together with their partners.

We don't have a long time at MOA last Milo Marathon since we had our own plans, they have theirs.
How was it?
Since I am the celebrant, I am assigned for the food preparation.

Barbecue-ing takes a lot of effort. hehehe
Since everyone is tired, we opt to sleep and leave early in the morning. Have you enjoyed dear?


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